Articles GE Call for Submissions Issue 1

Welcome to Global Ethnographic! We’ve Launched, January 2014!

Written by geadmin
2-Format Publishing:

Global Ethnographic is finally here! After years of planning and development our readers are now invited to share our vision. Read on and browse the site to see how you can:

Scribble on us, Share us, & Push the Possibilities of Academic Publishing

Whether academics or interested public readers, by publishing our articles as print geared PDFs  alongside our web versions, we have tailored GE formats to diverse readers interests.  Global Ethnographic hopes to make current ethnographic research available to a greater number of readers and participants in the anthropological community.


  • MEDIA: Video, sound, colour images, and in-depth photo essays can be embedded within articles as you read, instead of limited to back appendixes.
  • LINKS: Links can take you to organizations websites or provide extended reading.
  • SEARCHABLE: As embedded web content, Global Ethnographic content is searchable by keywords and content so that ethnographic perspectives are reaching researchers and general interest readers alike.
  • SHAREABLE: As open access content, GE articles are shareable through the varied networks within the web, rather than delimited by institutional boundaries.


  • PRINTING: Incorporating published content into one’s own research often requires the act of personalization by scribbling in margins, highlighting chunks, and even circling the sections disagreed with. Global Ethnographic PDF formatting is geared towards digital and print annotation methods as well as the financial and ecological benefits of tight PDFs.
  • ARCHIVING: Save our articles for future use on your desktop or on your desk.
  • SPRAWLING: Sometimes content only makes sense spread out on the floor, on top of books or next to other articles. Of course ! We get that.

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