Online references

Political/ News / Citizen Media/ Technology

Access Denied “A Conversation on Unauthorized Im/migration and Health”

Analog/Digital “This blog is for my commentary, analysis and rants on subjects including, but not limited to, the broad fields of anthropology, ethnography, technology, web research, higher education and academia. It will detail my encounters with new technologies, media, communication tools and the web, focusing on how the human engagement with machines shapes our social, cultural and physical environments.”

Social and Cultural Anthropology in the News

Constructing Amusement “Culture. Technology. Discuss”

Global Voices “Global Voices is a community of more than 300 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.”

Peace and Collaborative Development Organization

Roberts Report on Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Analysis of the Political Economy of Greater Asia.

The Anthro Geek “This blog addresses matters of Anthropology, Technology, Productivity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship , Induction and anything else involving the study of humanity broadly conceived.”

Zero Anthropology ” is a project of decolonization, growing out of a discipline with a long history and a deep epistemological connection to colonialism. The aim is to transform anthropology into something that is neither Eurocentric nor elitist. The inspiration behind this effort was the New World Movement (click thisthat, and the other). It is an attempt to redefine the craft of anthropology into one guided and inspired by decolonization movements and by the struggles of indigenous peoples, Africans in the Americas, and various elements of anarchism.”

Zero Anthropology on Open Anthropology.Org

“Not quite like the anthropology they teach you in schools. This is an ongoing project in producing an anthropology about empire, against empire, after empire.”

Health / Body / Mind/Science / Medical Anthropology

All In the Mind “Life and Beyond through the Mind’s Eye. Natasha Mitchell is an Australian science/health journalist, radio host and producer. She presents a weekly program called All in the Mind.”

Being in the World “An Online Resource for Studying Embodiment and Corporeality. This blog was specifically designed to help consolidate, sort through and compress the many ways in which researching embodiments has changed and enlightened our philosophical understanding of ourself and the world.”

Journal of Ethnobiology & Ethnomedicine “open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine.

List of Masters Programs in Psychology “ was created in 2010 by Michelle Parsons. The goal of this website is to provide unbiased information about Masters in Psychology programs as well as answer some of the most common questions that students have about the field.”

MindHacks “Neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what’s going on inside your brain.”

Neuroanthropology “For a greater understanding of the encultured brain and body…Neuroanthropology is a collaborative weblog created to encourage exchanges among anthropology, philosophy, social theory, and the brain sciences. We especially hope to explore the implications of new findings in the neurosciences for our understanding of culture, human development, and behaviour.”

Racial Reality “Human Biodiversity. Race. Ethnicity. Genetics. Anthropology. History. Culture. Politics.”

Respectful Insolence “A Statement of Fact Cannot be Insolent.” The Miscellaneous Ramblings of a surgeon/scientist on medicine, quackery, science, prsudoscience, history, and pseudohistory (and anything else that interests him.”

Science Blogs Brain & Behavior

Society for the Anthropology of Food & Nutrition Discussing “socio-cultural, behavioral and political-economic factors related to food and nutrition.”

Somotosphere “A collaborative weblog covering the intersections of medical anthropology, science and technology studies, cultural psychiatry and bioethics.”

International Cognition and Culture Institute

Art / Design / New Medias/Visual Anthropology

Design Thinking Thoughts by Tim Brown.

London International Documentary Festival Speaks for itself!

Fred Stutzman Blog on “Thoughts about information, social networks, and privacy. ”

Graphic Sociology “Analyzing the visual presentation of social data. Each post, Laura Noren takes a chart, table, inteactive graphic or other display of sociologicallly relevant data and evaluates the success of the graphic.”

Material World “An interactive, online hub for contemporary debates, discussion, thinking and research centred on material and visual culture. It is the brainchild of scholars working in the anthropology departments of University College London and New York University, but aims to create a new international community of academics, students, curators, artists and anyone else with particular interests in material and visual culture.”

Mimi Ito “I am a cultural anthropologist who studies new media use, particularly among young people in Japan and the US. My research right now focuses on digital media use in the US and portable technologies in Japan.

Media/Anthropology Blog by John Posthill, Senior Lecturer in Media at Sheffield Hallam University and a Fellow of the Digital Anthropology Programme, University College London (UCL).

Photoethnography “Notes on photoethnography, ethnographic filmmaking, fieldwork in Japan, classic cameras, digital photography, and other topics concerning visual anthropology.”

Practical Matters “A Trans disciplinary Multimedia Journal of Religious Practices and practical Theology” Emory University

Society for Cinema & Media Studies “Dedicated to the scholarly study of film, television, video, & new media”

Society for Visual Anthropology “a section of the American Anthropological Association. We promote the study of visual representation and media. Both research methods and teaching strategies fall within the scope of the society.”

Sociological Images “Inspiring Sociological Images Everywhere”

Sensate “online, media-based journal for the creation, presentation, and scholarly critique of innovative creative projects in the arts, humanities, sciences, and media.”

Sensory Studies

Unmediated “Unmediated tracks the tools, processes, and ideas that are changing the way we spread and share ideas.”

Visual Anthropology of Japan “My students write entries every week for their visual anthropology photo-journal blogs. See how they describe and visualize Japanese culture. I provide visual anthropology resources and experiment with the visual representation of Japan. Steven C. Fedorowicz is a cultural anthropologist, visual anthropologist, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Kansai Gaidai University”

Visual “Ethnodoc Web TV and Chat. News and Resources for Visual Anthropology”


Anthroling “An irregularly updated blog primarily devoted to languages, linguistics, anthropology, history, culture, and just about anything else that might be of interest.” By David Kaufman.

All Things Phonology. University of Southern California.

Glossographia “Anthropology, Linguistics, & Prehistory” Blog by Stephen Chrisomalis, an anthropologist and assistant professor at Wayne State University.

Linguistic Anthropology Blog “The study of language has been part of anthropology since the discipline started in the 1ate 1870s. This site is a place for linguistic anthropologists to post their work and discuss important events and trends in the field”

Society for Linguistic Anthropology Blog “Official blog of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology”


A Very Remote Period Indeed “A blog reviewing recent archaeological publications having to do with Paleolithic archaeology, paleoanthropology, lithic technology, hunter-gatherers and archaeological theory.”

Digging Digitally “Archaeology, data sharing, digitally enabled research and education. The Digital Data Interest Group (DDIG) is organized to promote the preservation and sharing of archaeological data that are maintained in digital form.”

Looting Matters
“Discussion of the archaeological ethics surrounding the collecting of antiquities.” By David Gill, member of the Department of History and Classics at Swansea University, Wales.

Hot Cup of Joe “Archeology, Anthropology, Science, & Skepticsim.”

Old Dirt – New Thoughts Archeology and Education

Past Thinking “Past Thinking is a blog about where the past meets the future, covering archaeology, history, computing, and where they all meet. It is written by Tom Goskar and Tehmina Goskar, two heritage professionals working in the UK.”

Anthropology General / Blogs/ Ethnography

BBC’s Human Planet Explorer “More than 100 video and audio clips from other BBC programmes about people and how they live their lives around the world, often adapting and surviving in extreme environments.”

Anthropology Institutes and Blogs

Anthropological Notebook Reflections and Photography from Travels and Fieldwork
Lye Tuck-Po, Penang, Malaysia, 2010, Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang

Anthropologist About Town
“Events blog run by the RAI’s Education Outreach Programme for anyone interested in learning more about anthropology and getting actively involved in exploring the world and engaging in topical debates on global issues”

Apophenia by Dana Boyd “I’m a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society. I received my PhD from the School of Information at UC-Berkeley. I live in Boston, MA. Buzzwords in my world include: public/private, identity, context, youth culture, social network sites, social media. I use this blog to express random thoughts about whatever I’m thinking.”

Anthropology in PracticeAnthropology in Practice (AiP) is designed to bring anthropology to the general public. It lays bare the relationships we have to each other and the world by drawing on practical, everyday events to explain anthropological theory.”

Culture Matters “Applying Anthropology”
“Current and former students and staff of the Department of Anthropology at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, write about the emergent trends in anthropology.  In particular we are interested in discussing the ways in which the methods and insights of anthropology are being ‘applied’ in various settings, both within and beyond the academy.”

Cultural Cognition Project (Yale) A group of scholars interested in studying how cultural values shape public risk perceptions and related policy beliefs.”

Ethnography & User Experience Gibb Barrows, “A blog about ethnographic research, user experience, product management and innovation.”


FieldNotes “For the Anthropology of British Colombia and Canada” Blog by Thomas ‘Tad’ McIlwraith

Four Stone Heath “A blog carnival that specializes in anthropology in the widest (American) sense of that word. Here, anthropology is the study of humankind, throughout all times and places, focussing primarily on four lines of research. Published bi-weekly, Wednesdays in odd-number weeks”

Blog by Kerim Friedman. An anthropologist and documentary filmmaker, Assistant Professor in the Department of Indigenous Culture at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. Kerim also blogs about anthropology atSavage Minds.

Open Access Anthropology
“This is the blog for Open Access Anthropology, an organization of volunteers interested in creating open access alternatives to anthropological publications. This blog will be the news outlet for the organization where we will announce news like current events progress within the discipline ”

Open & Shared Anthropology: Visualising Anthropology Online
“Shared and Open Anthropology is currently showcasing archived projects to do with the learning and teaching of Social Anthropology online and the visualisation of ethnographic research.”
This project brings together a variety of educational and research projects in anthropology that span over ten years.  It aims to join the growing pool of teachers and learners that ‘open’ their work and create ‘re-usable’ learning objects for all to explore and share online.”

Open Anthropology Cooperative
OAC: “Anthropology has a distinguished past, but it has an even greater future. We hope that professionals and students who are already committed to the discipline will find here like-minded anthropologists, as well as new tools, resources and opportunities for collaboration. But we also welcome anyone for whom our conversations are interesting. An engaged anthropology for the 21st century should be open to interdisciplinary collaboration. This depends on making full use of the emerging social and technical synthesis entailed in the digital revolution.”

Open Anthropology Journal
The Open Anthropology Journal, a peer reviewed journal, aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in all areas of Anthropology. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.”

Otherness (Altérités Revue d'anthropologie du contemporain) "Journal of Contemporary Anthropology" French based from the University of Montreal

Museum Anthropology ” Online Supplement to Museum Anthropology, The Journal of the Council for Museum Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association online.”

Savage Minds “Savage Minds is a collective web log devoted to both bringing anthropology to a wider audience as well as providing an online forum for discussing the latest developments in the field. We are a group of Ph.D. students and professors teaching and studying anthropology and are excited to share it with you.”

Thick Culture “Public Discources, Multiculturalism, Technology, and Civic Engagement”

Culture Inscribed “The very latest on the study of humanity” from California State University Fresno’s Department of Anthropology


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