
Ethnographers Talk About Energy and Climate Change Ep 02

Written by geadmin



Dr Declan Kuch, The University of South Wales

I’m a Research Fellow in the School of Humanities at UNSW. As a sociologist of science and technology, my research is motivated by the problem of how to reconcile public values with economic democracy in an era characterized by environmental constraints and an obsession with innovation. My research covers climate change, energy policy and the social dimensions of the life sciences. My main role is as a co-leader of the Social Dimensions stream of ARC Centre of Excellence in CBNS. I also co-ordinate the Outreach Committee. This means producing the Centre’s ‘Biomedical Futures’ events. I am currently researching the social, ethical and political dimensions of precision medicine.

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Paper discussed in the video:

Kuch, D. and Morgan B. 2015. Dissonant Justifications: an organisational perspective
of support for Australian community energy. People, Place and Policy, 9(3), 177-189.


Dr Katja Müller, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien (ZIRS)
der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

I am a social anthropologist with research interests in visual anthropology, material culture, museum anthropology, and digital anthropology on the one hand, and environmental anthropology on the other.

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Project discussed in the video:

The Coal Rush and Beyond

Morton, T. and Müller K. 2016. Lusatia and the coal conundrum: The lived experience of the German Energiewende. Energy Policy, 99, 277-287.

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